On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Roger wrote:

> lol, i've got roughly 20 gb of data on it. ..unless i can borrow an extra 20gb
> drive from somebody??? lol
> no i did not have to use that s/w.  matter of fact all newer hdd's do not
> require that (or cannot even use it).  most of the hdd's or already preformat

It isn't the drive but the bios that has the problems, that would require
translation software. And _all_ maxtors come unformated and unpartitioned,

> anyways.  when partitioning, i just use partition magic.   never had this

Thats the answer to your problem partition magic is hideing the partition
most likely :)

> problem before.  i'm guessing (sigh, again) that it's probabely just because
> it's with the hd.img....probabely something missing between it and the cdrom
> install iso.  (missing driver.....not able to find the proper module settings
> etc...).  
> *remember!  this is a newer model hdd!
> all of my older hdd's are able to use the hd.img diskette.  go figure.

try finding the "cylinder limit" jumper and enableing it also 

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