Emmanuel Paré wrote:
> Does someone have thinked to introduce portsentry in cooker?  Its a very
> good tool!
> PortSentry is part of the Abacus Project suite of security tools. It is a
> program designed to detect and respond to port scans against a target host
> in real-time. Some of the more useful features include:
> All distributed software, papers, and other works are free to use by any
> individual, organization, or commercial venture as long as the above
> conditions are agreed to. This software may be included with any freely
> distributed Operating System provided it is not sold separately or as part
> of a "security bundle" or similar packaging.
as Vincent said it's in contribs... but Portsentry isn't "rpm -i and
play" !!
You must tweak it to make it efficient otherwise it will not work as you


Lenny Cartier / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "L'Open Source pour les moines ca tombe carrement sous le sens"
                                                                Vince --

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