On Tue, 07 Mar 2000, you wrote:
I may be able to reply to some of your issues.


> Hello,
> I have a couple of questions, if anyone can answer them I would be very
> grateful.
> 1)  How do you associate files with given applications. For example how would I
> get .bmp files to be opened with a paint package, or .pdf files with Acrobat ?
Well, if you are running KDE

1. OK  as root, once the apps are installed, if they are on menus, go
immediately, to step 3.

2. if not go to the desktop and right click, selecting New->Application and make
the filename something useful like "acroread.kdelnk"--then a properties window
will open up  On Execute put a command line to run the application (e.g.
"acroread %f").  On the application tab the binary pattern will be "acroread;",
the name should be AcrobatReader, and down at the bottom of that page should be
Applications you can run on the right and defaults to open on the left. 
Highlight "application/pdf" and use the arrow to move it to the left side. 
Close the properties box.  Now raise some file windows and copy the desktop
icon you just made to /usr/share/applnk/applications.

3.  Make sure the application has the binding set to the appropriate mime-type
by right-clicking and selecting "properties" and looking on the last tab, at
the bottom of the page.  IF you have no mime type, do step 4 otherwise step5.

4.  open /usr/share/mimelnk/applications and right click on an empty area and
select New->Mime type and name the mimelnk.  For example, I will use x-msword.
On General I have the line x-msword.kdelnk.  On permissions, nothing is
changed, on Bindings the binary pattern is "*.doc;*.DOC;", the Mime Type is
"application/x-msword", the comment is Office document files and the binding is 
StarOffice.  If you do not see your defined application available, restart KDE
after defining your applnk and come back here.

5. Close everything and logout, then login as user and go to
/usr/share/applnk/applications and open the properties of your desired
application.  Make sure the binding on the application tab is to the correct
mime type.  Then go to /usr/share/mimelnk/applications and open the properties
of your desired mime type.  Make sure the binding points to the appropriate

So you must haVE APPROPRIATE APPLICATIONS DEFINED and appropriate mime-types
defined in these directories.  both as root and as user.  (user actually is
doing hidden copies of the master directories in his home area)  Then if you
click on a pdf file, acroread will open.  Menu items can be expected to be
defined as applications already, otherwise you will need to create your own
applnk (and choose or design/choose and icon for it).  My x-msword mime type
has a bomb icon, for example (slightly different than the core-dump bomb
mime-type definition)

> 2)  Is there a way of getting a dial up connection box automatically ? I have
> used diald, but there are times when I don't want to connect - rather I would
> like to work off line. I use kppp, but more often than not I would like to
> connect as soon as a URL or the like is requested, rather than having to launch
> and connect kppp then start internet use. Is there an Xdiald ?
> 3)  Is this 0.x a new format for .rpm files ? I use kernel 2.2.15-5mdk, but I
> notice there is a 2.2.15-0.12mdk. I assume that this is later. Likewise with
> glibc 2.1.3-0.2mdk
> 4)  Is anyone else experiencing Netscape lock ups (seriously :) ) at particular
> sites that use Java. For e.g. www.j-tull.co.uk. This site starts to load but
> then always locks sometime after the java content has loaded. I am using the
> latest 4.72-1mdk (or should that be 4.72-0.1mdk ?).

Sorry, but there are two incompatible java types out there and some sites,
especially those with asp's are just plain hostile.  Those use Microsoft
"enhancements and extensions" on Java.  Even so, I have always found UNIX plus
Netscape plus Java an explosive combination.

> Thankyou,
> Owen

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