well, i installed the Streaming Server, htdig (tools), linuxconf (don't know why,,,
at the command line prompt) and successufly denied myself access to publish (or put)
files on the http.  lol....guess it rewrote a passwd file or something. @^$@#

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> I have built a mod_put RPM for Mandrake. It is on the Advanced Extranet
> web page (http://coruscant.netrevolution.com)
> With the Advanced Extranet, every module can be inserted/removed in
> real-time. It includes documentation for every module, and it puts a
> sample configuration file in /etc/httpd/conf/addon-modules/.
> I fired up my browser with and it gives
> me a 404 error. Could you please e-mail it to me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I can include it directly in the module?
> Jean-Michel Dault
> On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Roger wrote:
> > i have started a small howto for compiling the mod_put for apach.  any
> > suggestions please submit them to me.  i will hand it over to tom at
> > www.mandrakeuser.org when i complete it.  just have to attach my httpd.conf
> > statements and some other syntax items.  could take me a day, then agian, could
> > take me a month!
> >
> > let me know if someone has integrated this "put" into apache yet!
> >
> >
> >
> > once i've finished it, the url to the html doc will move to my ftp (or other
> > loci).
> >
> > Also, before someone says, "...but there already are how-to's", check the page.
> >  vincent's module is also listed on the page and this page is aimed for newbies.
> >

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