Have anyone have any success compiling the JServ and making it work under
Mandrake 7.0 using either Blackdown, IBM or Sun Java binaries from 1.1.7 to
1.2.2 at all?

        Reason is that I got it installed and when I tried to run it, it just do
not run at all, which is baffling me...and I haven't got any help from
Jean-Michel on this subject or either people at Java Apache, which all says
recomplie the Apache and use it.  And frankly, I have done all of that, and
nothing still works.  That is the biggest problem here.  I know it worked
under Mandrake 6.1 but not under Mandrake 7.0.  So... how about some
invegistating to see what we can find to squash this problem.

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