On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, brian wrote:
> How do I find out what's already been fixed?
> How can I find out if my suggestions have been heeded?
> Where is the page alluded to on the cooker page telling what fixes
> have already gone into the cooker distribution?

a number of the links on the cooker page are broken...that and much of the
prose is garbled, the organization chaotic...etc...i began a re-organization of
that page, just a basic fixup, and offered it to the folks at mandrake, but
i've not heard back from them on whether or not they're interested in having
it fixed, so i've moved on to other projects...as i was unable to locate a link
to the supposed page that you mention, i suspect that it either does not exist,
or is hopelessly outdated...


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