
I have a Rage 128 Mobility Pro card. I also have an oustanding observation
report logged with Justin Young as follows :

>I have noticed something for a while now, and it hasn't improved with XFree86
>I use the 3D screensaver Morph3D (GL). It starts of at quite a good rate, but
>after 10 - 15 seconds slows down to a complete crawl.
>Now for the new bit :
>I downloaded the latest Mesa and Mesa Demos the other day and as I tend to do
>ran some of the Demos (just to see how things are improving !). I was running
>Morph3D and I noticed the same thing happened. At the time my mouse was
>hovering some where over the middle of the Morph3D window. As I moved the
>mouse accross the window I noticed the animation speeded up again ! Yes,
>really. No, I am not taking anything ! When the mouse stopped animation slowed
>to a crawl again. This also worked in other Mesa demos, keep moving the mouse
>and animation is really smooth, stop and it isn't.
>I don't know if I should flag this up here, or with the XFree86 lot, or if its
>a well known situation, or if I should just shut up !
>I have since tried this on another machine with a different video card, so I
>don't think it's just my machine.
>Any one got any idea what is going on here.

I haven't got back to Justin yet because I wanted to upgrade to the latest
XFree86 4.0. I noticed this problem first on XFree86 3.3.5-15 using the
XFree86-Mach64 server. I still use this server with XFree86 4.0, because kde
has great trouble working with 4.0-3mdk, I haven't tried -4mdk yet. However the
problem exists in 4.0-3mdk.

I have never managed to get the Rage128 to work at all, and couldn't persuade X
to work with the SVGA server and the Rage card except in the lowest possible
modes (640 x 480, 8bpp etc). As far as I am concerned these servers can
disappear !


On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> does anyone here got a rage128 or 3dfx?
> is it working properly with the latest XFree86-SVGA-3.3.6 or are you using the
> XFree86-Rage128 / XFree86-3dfx package?
> got one here and it works quite nicely... the purpose is to remove the unneeded(?)
> XFree86-Rage128 / XFree86-3dfx packages.
> thanks, cu Pixel.

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