I tried to give "cooker/image/hd.img" a chance, but it failed
hard on three systems right at the "Select Partition" stage.

When the screen appears, the first key-press results in the
following texts printed right across the screen:

install exited abnormally -- received signal 11
sending termination signals...done
sending kill signals...done
unmounting file systems...
you may safely reboot your system

The first one is a pure SCSI system, with AHA2940U controller.
Second one a SCSI/IDE system with aic7890 controller and BX chipset.
Third one is a pure IDE system with HX chipset...

I have no idea what to do, all systems run stable, so it's not
the "usual signal 11" problem.

So long,

--- -- -
All systems working within normal parameters - 
  BSD: OK, Unixware: OK, Linux: OK, NT: Critical, Win98: Crashed

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