grub has not worked for me yet.

[root@walluck /root]# grub-install
/usr/share/grub/i386-mandrake/stage1: Not found.                                

drakboot does lilo, but not grub

Also, in KDE the icons are messed up. They have a black background for all
the icons, when I assume it should be transparent. I assume this is a
problemw with the kdebase RPM. I don't know.

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, David Foresman wrote:
> Ok, using the current DrakX installer, a couple of small problems.
> The backspace key does not work during install.  Delete works, but backspace doesn't.
> Install has been skipping over cryptographic software for me for a while.
> The promised ability to make an install disk after install (to remember settings for 
>next install) is not there yet.
> After a generic install, (expert->development) Xfree doesn't work correctly.  KDE 
>displays the icons wierd (sorry, can't be more descriptive), enlightment complains 
>about SHAPE (sorry, can't be more descriptive here either).  Both of these are fixed 
>by upgrading to XFree86-4.0 which i was going to do anyways.  
> Thanks for the great work on the distro, i espically like grub, the fact that my ide 
>drives (hpt366) are detected on install, and the fact that drakx supports xfree4.

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