"Lord And Master;)" wrote:

> I reinstalled this morning and much to my dismay i am having a dissiing
> amount of problems.
> problem one. no sound!! , sndconfig is now defunct? and missing from the
> cooker distrib. lorthar/kudzu dose NOT detect my AWE 64 .. sndconfig
> detected the card perfect and installed the modules correctly.
> problem two, /usr/bin/esd* needs to be chmod a+x in order for a lot of
> the gnome sounds and enlightement sounds to function correctly as a
> normal user.  this is not a new problem , but a persistant one , as soon
> as I log in I must imidetly chmod a+x /usr/bin/esd*
> problem three during the install after deslecting a lot of the "groups"
> (expert install/server) no matter how many i desslect it still clamins
> that the install will take 2047 megs and complains that it will attempt
> to contiue but not all the packages will be able to installed due to
> disk space limitations.. once in the package selction , everything goes
> fine..
> problem four , I must reiderate that we need to replace qt 2.0.1 with qt
> 2.1 , as licq is the only program we use that requires qt 2. (besides
> kde 2 (wich needs 2.1 as well) and there is just no reson to contuie to
> use the 2.01 since it causes some serious and minor bugs to apear in
> licq !
> problem five apon bootup , i have no X, gdm attempts to start, and then
> imiedtly shuts down over and over again, after getting the machine into
> runlevel 3, i started X manuly and descovered that X is deniing gdm
> access to the display 0.0 invalid magic cookie... cookies! hehe. but non
> the less it has rendered gdm unsusalbe, and I am unable to get to
> function no matter how much i play with the X/gdm/xdm configuration
> problems, asl i noticed that on starting gnome-session manualy I get the
> following error msg's
> wolvesden.dhs.org:/tmp/.ICE-unix/14428,tcp/darkangel.wolvesden.dhs.org:1067
> Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1
> /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: Permission denied
> Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".
> Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".
> getting servant data 0x81f24c0 from window 0x81c0a18
> GNOME Help-DEBUG: CORBA user exception:
> IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext/NotFound:1.0.
> ----
> Note the Xlib erros. i get something to that affect i do beleave also
> when starting gdm only it is to do with the securitiy or something like
> that.
> problem five on boot up i recieved and error msg about the httpd server
> starting with ssl, no such file or directory ssl.so or something to that
> affect, I installed the ssl mods (acroding to the instalation anyway. so
> there is a prolly a configuration problem when doing the
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> problem six using linuxconf now , when you exit and ask it to display
> changes it has to do , it crashes and brings up the gnome crash dialog
> box, (simply aplying changes dose not crash it)
> the installation was as I stated before done under expert, (hd.img)
> server instalation, packages were installed using package selection
> screen, with auto deps unchecked (so it would display the information
> about what it was installing.. btw I love that new option!!)  securtity
> level normal(medium?) was chosen, using X 4 server that comes with the
> distrib, no modifiactions except for custom XFree86config-4 file, though
> it was haveing problems before this was used. X was set to start at
> boot, though it is now running in level 3 , to get around the gdm
> problem.. I will attempt to install kdm now and get back to you on
> wherether or not that functions. (no kde programs are currently
> installed except for kdesu (for the mandrake dekstop options.. hey guys
> why don't we use gsu for the gnome desktop instead?? )
> -DarkWlf

well I have installed kdm and it functions normaly, gdm will not function and
can not get access to the display it is refused connection.

anyone have any ideas?

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