ok pixel the install bug that was causing the installer to crash is now
gone! yeah it installs.

bug1, the ppp config in the drakx installer is still screwed up, it
still dosn't allow configuration of the ip addresses (nessary if you
have a static ip, dose not allow config of the activate on bootup wich
is very nessary at least on my system.. but the bug is this, after
booting the system and activating the ppp device, it will dial and fail
to login, it just connects then hangs up, if i go into linxu conf and
configure the device with the redhatppp module, it shows the PAP user
name as whatever I put in as the configuration name and it shows no pap
password, after changeing those to items in linxuconf it dials and
connects fine, but in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 it
shows the pap username as the config name! wierd.

secound bug very very very anoying... after confiuring everything i
relazed that I was not recieveing mail, after checking the
/var/log/maillog it said postfix was unable to create the
/var/spool/mail/usrename file

looking into this user postfix did not have write privileges, simply
adding postfix to the mail group fixes this problem not sure if this is
the right way though...

feture request?? if we can't get the helix rpms into the default install

can we at least use the gtk-engines from there , they have A LOT more
themes for gtk in there;)

bug.. xmms dose not show in the gnome menu even though it is
installed.... installing the helix rpms fixes this.

feture request , can we have the helix rpm for the gnome-applets, the
one that is in cooker is well rather bleak on fetures!

bug / feture request, can we have the printer confiuration from the
installer in the main drakconf?? with all the printers? there is only 3
choices in the drakprinter config.

anoying bug that is still HERE! I can not get draksound / lothar sound
to find my sound card! I have no way of confiuring sound unless I
download sndconfig from the 7.0 distrib.. can we PLEASE fix this???
pretty please??

another small bug that is still here, on boot up when conecting to ppp
on bootup it say "FAILED" even though it connected correctly and the
interface is working?

feature request pixel.. since i think the installer is your baby? i have

the cooker files in /home/ftp/pub/cooker , /home is a serperate drive,
on selecting the install files from the install disk everything is found

correctly but when configuring the drives in the installation processs I

am unable to tell the installer that the partion is to be mounted as
/home thus i have to manuly change the mount after boot wich screws up
the urpmi default entry so I have to create a symbolic link to the /home

from /mnt/hdftp...(hdftp was what it was after this install before it
was "hd" bug?  is there a way we can fix it so it will be mounted as
/home instead of /hd??


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