Stefan Siegel a écrit :

> Am 2000-04-23, um 22:11:40 (+0200) schrieb David BAUDENS:
> > Of course but menu system doesn't support tests.
> No problems with the menu system,

False. It's the problem.

> my problem is that you force the
> netscape RPM to be installed, for being able to use the HOWTOs.

Because if you see in WM menu an entry for Howto and if when you click
on it nothing appear, you'll say: « Nothing appear... It's buggy! » and
I won't that you say that. When you clic in menu, « netscape
/usr/doc/HOWTO/HTML/$LANG/index.html is call ». So, Netscape is

> > As I want that HTML can be read when you select them in menu,
> > I use an independent WM/DM viewer (and no I'll use lynx, beginners
> > don't like it).
> IMHO this is not correct. place a
> ------8<------------------------------------->8--------
> Provides:   htmlbrowser
> ------8<------------------------------------->8--------
> line in "lynx" "lynx-ssl" and "netscape" RPMs. this is the correct way
> to deal with it.

No, not with actual menu system. I can only call one program and I can't
do any test to know what « htmlbrowser » is available (for the moment)

Linux Mandrake

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