It seems a modified version has made it to the webpage... : ) It doesn't
run, though... : ( I've attached (yet another) updated version which
should (hopefully) fix this. As previously mentioned, the first cd is
still too big due to it moving things it shouldn't - and it grumbles
whenever it can't find things (try moving foo* then foo-python*, you see
what I mean?) I am currently testing it, but have to leave very soon -

It seems to still have problems:
mod_php3-mysql-3.0.16-2mdk requires MySQL-shared-libs-3.22.32-5mdk which
is not in the same hdlist
pango-devel-0.9-2mdk requires fribidi-0.1.9-1mdk which is not in the
same hdlist
pango-devel-0.9-2mdk requires fribidi-devel-0.1.9-1mdk which is not in
the same hdlist
perl-Mysql-1.22_11-1mdk requires MySQL-3.22.32-5mdk which is not in the
same hdlist
perl-Mysql-1.22_11-1mdk requires MySQL-client-3.22.32-5mdk which is not
in the same hdlist
perl-Mysql-1.22_11-1mdk requires MySQL-shared-libs-3.22.32-5mdk which is
not in the same hdlist
Device3Dfx-2.3.4-5mdk requires bash-2.04-3mdk which is not in the same
Device3Dfx-2.3.4-5mdk requires glibc-2.1.3-3mdk which is not in the same
Device3Dfx-2.3.4-5mdk requires ldconfig-1.9.5-18mdk which is not in the
same hdlist
Device3Dfx-2.3.4-5mdk requires libtermcap-2.0.8-18mdk which is not in
the same hdlist
Device3Dfx-2.3.4-5mdk requires termcap-11.0.1-1mdk which is not in the
same hdlist
./FOO: genfilelist: command not found

> As I was adapting the new script to generate ISO images for Mandrake
> 7.1-BETA (Hydrogen) to my needs, I discovered that directory 'cd1' is not
> created. I guess there's a typo here...

Nope, it's not a typo, it's a worthless line... : )

> Is:
>     mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp
> **mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2
>     mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2

Should be:
     mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp
     mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2

Why? The script creates the cd2 directory, and moves the appropriate
files into it. cd1 contains everything else, so I just mv (rename) the
"mirror" directory to cd1. I just thought it would be easier to rename
the directory than to create a new one, move everything into it, and
remove the old one. If you create cd1, things will be in cd1/mirror/
instead of cd1/ (totally screwed up).

> Also several 'line-breaks'  should be adapted for the 'mv' commands,
> or '\' should be used.

Yes - it seems somehow when it was put on the webpage a lot of
linebreaks ended up in things. : (


# Linux-Mandrake ISO CD Creation Script (thanks to Kenny Graunke)
# You MUST change these variables for your particular configuration:

# Set this to the location of where you want to download Linux-Mandrake to.
# Set these to the location where you want your ISO images to be created.
# Set this to 1 to download Linux-Mandrake.
# Set these to your FTP mirror and directory, respectively:

# You should not have to change anything below this point.

#mirror from ftp preserving permissions and symlinks
cd $mdkLOCALROOT/mirror
[ "$mdkMIRROR" = "1" ] && lftp -c "open $mdkFTPSITE\; cd $mdkFTPDIR\; mirror"

# create new directories to separate the rpms for the two cds
mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp
mkdir -p $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2

# move all files in the directory for CD2
mv $mdkLOCALROOT/mirror/Mandrake/RPMS/* $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2/  
mv $mdkLOCALROOT/mirror $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1
# move the apropriate files in the directory for first CD
for i in `cat $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/rpmslist`
    mv $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2/$i* $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/RPMS/ 

# generate the dependency files
# We need programs from cd1/misc

rm -f $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/{hdlists,hdlist.cz2}
genhdlist_cz2 -o \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz2 \

echo "hdlist.cz2      Mandrake/RPMS   Installation CD" > \

rm -f $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz2
genhdlist_cz2 -o \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz2 \

echo "hdlist2.cz2     Mandrake/RPMS2  Extension CD" >> \

rm -f $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/{depslist,deplist.ordered,filelist}
gendepslist2 -o \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/depslist \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/base/hdlist.cz2 \

genfilelist \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/Mandrake/RPMS \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/cd2/Mandrake/RPMS2 > \

# Do a little prep to get the boot images to the start of the first disk
mv $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/images $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp

# create the first iso image
mkisofs -R \
        -o $mdkISO1DIR/hydrogen.iso \
        -b images/cdrom.img \
        -c images/.catalog \
        $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp \

# move the images back where they belong
mv $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp/images $mdkLOCALROOT/cd1/
rmdir $mdkLOCALROOT/tmp

# create the second iso image
mkisofs -R \
        -o $mdkISO2DIR/hydrogen_extentions.iso \

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