A. Mdk 7.0 & ISDN card setup
My ISDN Elsa Quickstep 1000 Pro PCI:

Bus 1, device 6, function 0
Network Controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 1)
Vendor id = 1048. Device id = 1000.
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 18.
Non prefetchable. 32 bit memory at 0xfe7fff80.
i/o at 0xac00 [0xac01]
i/o at 0xafe4 [0xafe5]

Problem fixed by changing definitions in:

(actually this file is self-explanatory as all necessary
parameters for each ISDN card supported are explained in this

I reckon a manual selection of the ISDN card during install
would be nice :-) with an automatic setup of this "mycard"

B. Software
Could we have "ripperX" (Mp3 encoding) in the distro?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 27/04/2000 11:40:00
To:     cooker
bcc:    Frederic Soulier
Subject:        Re: [Cooker] Suggestions


"Soulier, Frederic P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> May be off topic, if so pls ignore my comments ;-)

of course not!

> A. Mdk 7.0 & ISDN card setup
> ----------------------------
> I am using an ISDN card Elsa QuickStep 1000 Pro PCI,
> the card does not work after installation of Mdk7 because
> the default ISDN config file contains definitions for a
> different ISDN card. Very easy to fix but I thought it would
> be nice to have the card setup (ie any supported ISDN card)
> as part of the installation of Mdk7.1

could you tell what to do? also give /proc/pci and /proc/bus/pci/devices

> B. Paride devices
> -----------------
> My guess is there is a few people out there with devices on
> the parallel port (eg Zip, Ezflyer, Orb, CD-RW, etc..) and it
> would be nice to have the correct modprobe (or insmod) added as
> part of the setup.
> Note: I have the insmod commands for my Orb drive in the
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local file at the very end. It appears that

i don't think there's enough paride devices out there to make something easy :(

as for the modprobe pb, in 7.1b, you can just put pd in /etc/modules (not much
help, i know, but hell!)


> C. Package selection
> --------------------
> Please, I beg you to change the package selection :-) it is
> not very beautiful and there must be a simpler way to put
> packages together with more meaningfull directories/sub-directories.

try 7.1b, it should suits your need much better (at least i hope)

cu Pixel.

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