> >
> > hackgimp compiled fine on my box ...i was wondering why it didn't compile on
> > kenobi?
> The perl plug-ins can't compile (probably for th new perl). Lenny cannot
> get gimp compiled so he ask me to do it.

yes i know, but it's funny, since i've had no problems compiling on a
machine with perl 5.6.0. or am i missing something ...if so we shold add
a buildrequires..

> > if it were to be in teh main distro, we'll have to add the gimp data extras
> > tarball which can be found on gimp's ftp site.
> yes. Thanks to remember me it... I've forgotten.

no problem. :)

> > > > > - various spec cleanups for rpmlint (invalid groups, post &
#include <ce_sucks.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main{(ce_points < 14) ? kill(getpid(),SIGKILL) : printf("phew\n");}


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