Hi all,

When I tried Mdk 7.1b, I liked very much the automatic 
gestion of dependencies during individual package 
selection in expert mode. But I missed one feature :
when deselecting one package (I cannot remember which 
one), the installer deselected xemacs automatically.
There's nothing anormal to that, but I would have liked
the program to warn me about that. I know this is not a
bug, and that there is not enough time now to change 
this behaviour, but I think it would be a cool feature
to add for the next mandrake (7.2?). Maybe something
like a message showing the dependencies and asking if
I am sure about deselecting would be great. The SuSE 
yast does something like that, and it should not bother
someone installing in expert mode anyway... Debian's 
dselect can also be a good inspiration for what could
be done here (even if it is a pain to use).

Pascal Grosse

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