I've had a successful install at home, but not here at work (last time I attempt the install on my drive I'm using NT Server, etc).
The issue is always with the partition manager, either in Text mode or in graphical mode.
Setup:  Typical system, 8 gig drive or 10 gig drive.
What happens is that I'll create partitions, but the the partition manager generally syncs them correctly and even formats them, but then always reports that it can't mount the new partitions. I wish I could say that it does this every time, but it doesn't. I tried rebooting and installing at home, and on the third try it did it correctly. Note that I had installed Mandrake 7.02 previously on the *same* partitions with no troubles. I don't have this issue with Mandrake 7.02. Unfortunately, it also seems to have the habit of toasting your other partitions if you mess with it enough, and even sometimes if you don't commit changes (this is maddening). Since this is happening on multiple machines, I figure it's not just me at this point (and I'm comfortable with partitioning drives, etc).
Any thoughts?
John Reynolds

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