I made a seperate partition to hold the cooker on: fdisk /dev/hda
then format it with: mke2fs /dev/hdaX where X is the number of the
partition you created (you can figure this out by printing the partition
table in fdisk after you've partitioned). Anyway, after that i rebooted
and linux mounted my new partition at /mnt/hd. so now you need to mirror
the cooker, i'd recommend using rsync. i tried using the mirror program
that's mentioned on the cooker home page but i wasn't able to get hd.img
to find the cooker when i mirrored with it (almost certainly my fault).
Anyway, do this: rsync -av ftp.sunet.se::Mandrake-devel/cooker/ /mnt/hd/
After it finishes do the same rsync command again, and keep doing this
until it no longer downloads new files. After this is done, cd
/mnt/hd/images then put a 1.44 floppy in and do: dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0
this will make a boot floppy. once that's done, use diff to compare the
image on the floppy with the image on your harddrive: diff hd.img /dev/fd0
next check that the md5sums are correct (the correct values can be found
in the file /mnt/hd/images/MD5SUM (use less or cat to read it). to find
out what the md5 sum is of the hd.img use: md5sum /mnt/hd/images/hd.img
assuming everything all matches (resync if the hd.img md5sum is incorrect,
or remake the boot floppy if the floppy md5sum is incorrect) then reboot
with the floppy in the drive, enter bios, choose to boot from flopppy,
save and exit. when it reboots it should start the install program. it
will ask for the partition and path to the cooker. choose the partition
you just created from the list, and enter the path (probably /cooker).
that should be about all you need to do. later when you want to update
your install just use the same rsync command above and it will only
download files that have changed so dont delete your cooker after you

Well, that should pretty much help you out. Feel free to correct me on any
mistakes guys. :)


On Mon, 8 May 2000, Robert Towster wrote:

> What is the best way to update your installation?
> Should I point kpackage rpm dir to a cooker distro site?
> Is there a better way? (or an official way?)
> thanks

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