I just tried the script and I just get one image /mnt/spare/Extensions.iso
on 919 MB that does not fit on a single cdrom.


On Tue, 16 May 2000, Guy T. Rice wrote:

> On Tue, 16 May 2000, Magnus Holmberg wrote:
> > If you modify it so it works, please post the script to the list. I think
> > we are many people that would be very glad to se that script.
> This *appears* to work.  I don't know for sure because I haven't burnt the
> ISO's yet.  It's going to take me a while to do so, so I'll just upload
> this now and let people play with it.  Unless you're burning CD-RW disks,
> you might want to wait unless I test the ISO's.  But if you have CD-RW (or
> just don't care if you ruin some CD-R's), go ahead and try it.  The script
> executes without errors for me, but YMMV.  Let me know if you get any
> errors.  (I'm not counting as errors things like it telling me the
> package is already installed, or complaining that the dependencies are
> goofy -- by the way, why do some of the packages on CD1 depend on packages
> on CD2, wouldn't it make more sense to make sure CD1 is useable alone,
> and only go to CD2 if some packages on CD2 were requested?)
> Incidently, since I hope to use this script beyond Hydrogen, and I
> assume "mkh" meant "make hydrogen", I've changed the name a bit.

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                         --==**  LIVETS VATTEN  **==--   

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