I recently mirrored the cooker install (about two days ago or so) and
noticed that my httpd error_log and ssl_engine_log have grown to about 28
megs each.  They are filled with the following errors:

[Thu May 18 18:35:22 2000] [error] mod_ssl: Child could not open SSLMutex
lockfile /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_mutex.688 (System error follows)

[Thu May 18 18:35:22 2000] [error] System: Permission denied (errno: 13)

[Thu May 18 18:35:22 2000] [error] mod_ssl: Child could not open SSLMutex
lockfile /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_mutex.688 (System error follows)

[Thu May 18 18:35:22 2000] [error] System: Permission denied (errno: 13)

Looks like permissions aren't set correctly in the latest install.

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