On Sunday 09 Mar 2003 5:39 pm, N Smethurst wrote:
> You say random lockups.. Ok, it may sound bizzare, but I was experiencing
> pretty much exactly the same thing with RC1 after I had installed the 4191
> nvidia drivers and UT2003. Everything would freeze occasionally apart from
> the mouse pointer. I started noting that the lock ups were happening
> mainly when I was doing something in Konqueror (copying a file, renaming,
> opening, etc.). Now I have installed RC2 but have yet to install the
> nvidia drivers or UT2003 and I have not experienced any of the previous
> problems. This may be complete coincidence, but..

I also experienced problems with random lockups when trying to use konqeuror 
and mozilla. In my case it turned out to be unrelated to the nvidia drivers 
(it was a problem with my modem), but I read that it can be caused by agp 
problems at high agp settings. The solution offered was to turn agp down to a 
lower setting (e.g. 2 instead of 4 or 8). Instructions on how to do this are 
inside the README file for the nvidia drivers.

Why it affects web browsers more than anything else, I don't know.

Hope this is of help!


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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