Of course, Guy!, 

Certenly the brother of Jorge Bus, gobernator of Florida, said when came to 
Spain two weeks ago that he was very glad to visit "the Spanish 
Republic.......". This must be a genetic problem of the Bus family, how 
doesn't remember that G. Bus didn't know the name of the President of Russia 
in a interview during the electoral campaign?

Well, the fact is that in Spanish we say "Presidente del Gobierno" or just 
"Presidente", so I did a direct translation to English. Probably 
Minister-President is most accurate in English.

Anyway, I would like to say two thing:

1) I don't think that American people that would buy Mandrake won't buy it 
now, because all the American not Windows user were antipatriotic before. If 
you are a good American, you must use windows, musn't you?

2) In any case, I hate the war. My father was a soldier in the second Spanish 
Republic. I had to take an English boat to survive in Algeria. 9 years 
separated from my mother. I had to fight in the Second World War agains 
Dutchland in the desert of Algeria. After that we have to leave Algeria 
because the Independece War of that country. We weren't so happy during our 
two years in France (we were Spanish in fact). And after that, again in 
Spain, we weren't so happy because the authorities didn't like a Republican 
and his family.

But we were lucky, in other wars there are lot of people dead and that need to 
leave of their home and country. Definitively NOT TO THE WAR.

> Since when has Spain become a republic again??? :-)
> (You mean Minister-President??)
> Guy

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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