I'm installing Cooker from FTP with the network.img floppy. During
installation some packages fail to install (I guess it's a download
timeout), and I hit cancel and it shows me the package group selection and
restarts installing the next package. But now that I'm nearly done (127Megs
left) I get the following message:
An error occurred
Some important packages didn't get installed properly.
Please switch to console and look at the log file /tmp/ddebug.log

a first look at the ddebug.log told me there has been a segfault somewhere
with the rpm. But if I go through the loop and install again it says
installation was successfull, but still doesn't want to go to the next
step, keeps saying "Warning: Some important packages didn't get installed

Hope you guys can spot the problem ... I'd be happy to attach my
ddebug.log, how can I retrieve it?


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