On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 07:16, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> Does the current kernel support User Mode linux. I was looking through the 
> spec and I know that on the website they only have patches for .20 and not 
> .21 so I figured I would just ask. 
> Thanks for any responce. Myself I'm looking at this being a good replacement 
> for vmware since I only want to run linux on it anyway. It would come in 
> handy testing stuff for the secteam. 
> download page for user mode linux just in case nobody knows what I'm talking 
> about. I doubt it but just in case.
> http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/dl-sf.html


   I grabbed the rpms yesterday from there and I'm in the process of
using 8.2 on my 9.1 install.  So far so good but I'm new to this so I
really haven't gotten fully into usermode linux yet.  



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