
I have been submitting bug reports to Sun because these and many other problems
still exist in 5.2.

As far as I know java appletts have never worked with StarOffice, but java
scripts appears to be okay.

StarOffice 5.2 will not even start except when launched as root ! Every time it
freezes the machine ! and on one occasion I had to completely remove StarOffice
and re-install !

Whether Sun will do anything about this is anybodys guess. At the moment I
think they are mostly interested in Office 2000 import / export (which 5.2 does
impecably) and getting it noticed).


On Thu, 25 May 2000, you wrote:
> Andrew wrote:
> > I encounter problem in adding user in Linux-Mandrake v.7 Deluxe.
> > I use to add user using other shell such as tcsh,csh and zsh but error
> > occured when the user login (invalid aliases). Beside's I'm installing
> > StarOffice 5.1 and it should be installed in user level not as su. When I
> > run setup error says "bash command : command not found" but I'm in the
> > directory where the program is located. Is there any possibility to run
> > such program? So I can finish installing my StartOffice 5.1.
> >
> > Andrew
> speaking of staroffice,  I recently reinstalled after upgradeing the kernel
> and have had dispointing result anyone else had this problem? I installed it
> as user , in my home dir, and start staroffice and it brings up the splash
> screen then it brings up and ok box that says staroffice crashed
> unrecoverable error as well as the mine-types selection. I didn't used to
> get this and i don't think i have changed anything else.
> also dose anyone know what star office needs to be able to have java
> support? It is obvioulsy not included in mandrake ideas?
> -darkwlf

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