OpenAFS would be nice for big buisness.

On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 19:24, Austin wrote:
> Yeah, I know it's a bit early to be on this subject, but
> a) we're already discussing urpmi and nvidia future
> b) we can haggle over these ideas while the MDK staff takes a well deserved 
> mini-holiday
> Here's my own personal 9.1 wishlist.  Some topics I'm planning on working on, 
> some are already underway by MDK staff, others are open to 
> volunteers/naysayers.
> 1. Spiffy new sounddrake.
> If I knew perl, I'd do it myself, but alas...
> I'd like to see a more intuitive setup.  What card is detected?  What drivers 
> do you want, alsa or oss?  Do you want a sound daemon?  Do you want an init.d 
> for jack?  Do you have a midi card?  Do you have USB audio or USB midi?  etc. 
> etc.
> 2. Spiffy new fontdrake.
> It's looking a bit dated; it's not all that easy to use; it would be cool to 
> have more features.  I'm sure someone can think of something to do to it.
> 3. Developer's web portal: todo list, interfaces with bugzilla, contact 
> information, etc.  TUTOS is a really cool system.  If someone can hack php, 
> I'm sure we could integrate it with bugzilla.  Warly has said he will look 
> into this.
> 4. Fix pygnome/pygnome2/pygtk/pygtk2 mess.
> I think Gotz is planning on doing this.
> 5. New menu entry for 'home and hobby' type applications.  I've asked for this 
> a few times... no response.  There are a lot of apps that should go in this 
> category.  I think Joe user would look for a recipe application is 'home and 
> hobby' rather than 'databases'.  Similarily, putting gramps in 'sciences' is a 
> bit of a stretch, and I have some 'homework' applications that don't really 
> belong in 'office'.
> 6. Get video capture working well.
> We have a few assorted video grab applications.  Most suck.  A lot of the new 
> ones won't compile.  This is really lacking.  Are our video4linux headers 
> still screwed up?
> 7. Get cinelerra into main.
> All we have to do is a) remove MS TTF's and replce with some GPL fonts, b) 
> remove lame mp3 encoder.  The code is nasty, but any good C hacker should be 
> able to do it in a day.
> 8. Integrate GATOS project.
> Thanks to Frederic and Spencer this is underway, but still rough.
> 9. Integrate Nautilus-burn more obviously.
> Destop icon, mini-tutorial, etc.
> 10. Autodetect best fonts.
> I think this already works for the desktop.  i.e. Does installing Arial 
> automatically replace 'sans' on the desktop?  I think so, but I'm not sure.
> Same should happen for OpenOffice.  If Times New Roman is installed, it should 
> automatically replace Nimbus Ugly-Face in OO.o.
> Also would be nice to integrate the new GPL fonts that are coming out in a 
> similar manner.
> 11. Superchaged applications.
> While I'm all for an rpm system and i586 optimization, there are a few 
> applications that REALLY suck as they are.  ATLAS, transcode, and mjpegtools 
> come to mind.  They are rediculously slow.  Narfi has some benchmarks I think.
> Some options are:
> a) put athlon/P4/mmx rpms on club
> b) put athlon/P4/mmx rpms in unsupported
> c) someone write a script that will rebuild them locally with more optimization
> d) someone write a script that will rebuild any srpm locally for local 
> architecture
> I've suggested (d) a few times to Deno and others and got quite rude 
> responses.  I think it might be a cool feature... definitely media worthy.  
> You could install a stock distro, then rebuild anything resource-heavy (XFree, 
> ATLAS, transcode) for your local architecture with no rpm or tarball 
> knowledge.  It's just an idea.
> 12. More automated lm_sensors installation.
> Can we make this more automated?  Like install the rpm, and it shows up in 
> gkrellm.  Right now, there are scripts to run, text files to edit, and init.d 
> daemons that don't always work as expected.
> That's my list.
> As you can see, it's mostly nitpicky stuff, and UI stuff, which means 9.1 is 
> going to be great, if there's so little to improve on!
> Thanks guys,
> Austin

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