On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:29, Duncan wrote:
> On Mon 17 Mar 2003 14:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted as excerpted below:
> > Quoting Jason Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > It would also be great if dialog box came up before downloading packages
> > >
> > > that asked if you wanted to keep the rpm's on your system after
> > > download. It could also say somehting like, "packages will be held in
> > > /var/cache/urpmi/rpms until you delete them"
> >
> > There is already that option :)
> > --noclean
> OK, I already use --noclean in my shortcut scripts.  What would be great, 
> would be if there was an option to ONLY clean if everything installed 
> properly, but otherwise leave the uninstalled stuff hanging around.  I 
> currently use --noclean, and then go in after the successful installs (if I 
> remember), and either delete them all manually, or use a null urpmi with the 
> --clean option, so it cleans everything up.  Now, if it fails, I don't have 
> to re-d/l a bunch of stuff after fixing the problem, which is great, but if I 
> forget to do the clean, next time there's a problem, and I have to go fix 
> things up, I have all these stale packages laying around, if I forgot to do 
> the --clean afterwards, the last time.


  I have had a few ... well more than a few installs via urpmi fail in
all this, usually caused when the rpm got upgraded in the list but the
new hdlist wasn't yet generated.  In each case install failed and all of
the downloaded rpms remained on my box.  so now I could go in and do rpm
-Uvh on what was correct and get it installed.  


> Talking about which... It'd be nice to know WHAT failed, instead of just 
> getting a "try running urpmi.update" error, without a list of what failed.  I 
> can go installing everything manually, from the d/l dir, until I am left with 
> the stuff that doesn't install, but that's a pain.  It'd be far nicer to have 
> a list of the problem stuff, so I could go fetch it manually (since the 
> problem is usually unsynced hdlist.cz's, ez enough to go fetch the new rpms 
> manually, if I know what they are), and then retry the --autoselect install 
> again, to do the rest.
> Of course, part of the problem here would be solved with the subgrouping stuff 
> mentioned, but having a conditional clean, and a list of problem files if 
> there WAS a problem, would still be quite useful.

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