On Thu 20 Mar 2003 07:10, Enrico Galli posted as excerpted below:
> I have the following PC configuration
> Processor AMD Athlon 1800
> HD Samsung SP 600 3H 60 GB
> When I try to install Mandrake 9.0 it stop it when it check HD partition.
> Is this problem occur because Samsung HD is not developed by Mandrake
> drivers?

Hard drives are pretty much standardized, now.  They are either EIDE or SCSI, 
and take fairly generic drivers, unless you have some sort of hardware RAID, 
which can be an issue, but that's not the hard drive, it's the RAID 
controller that's the issue.

It may be an issue with an error on your current partitions, however.   I'd 
suggest either erasing them and starting clean, if you don't have a Windows 
or other partition you want to keep, or running scandisk and defrag (assuming 
Windows) to make sure what you have is as error free as possible before going 
further.  You may also wish to try something like the proprietary-ware 
Partition Magic.  I had good experiences with them, b4 I switched off of 
proprietary-ware and onto software libre such as Mandrake.  I'd bought 
another product, Partition It, which basically screwed things up, but 
Partition Magic was able to fix the problem without me having to know exactly 
what it was and get into the details.

That said, this is the Cooker list, for betas, not the install help or 
Mandrake Expert forum.  Mandrake 9.1 just came out, so cooker would be going 
on 9.2 now, and you are asking here about 9.0?  I'd help you if I could, but 
I'm on this list and not the install list for a reason -- I don't know that 
much about install problems.  Therefore, the guess above about it being an 
error on the current partition, with the suggestions following it,  is about 
the best I can do.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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