Le ven 21/03/2003 à 14:23, Götz Waschk a écrit :
> Am Freitag, 21. März 2003, 12:52:23 Uhr MET, schrieb Adam Williamson:
> > Aha! The perfect time to pounce and ask someone who knows: what the hell
> > *are* little-endian and big-endian?! I tried Googling it, really I did,
> > but all I got were references to Gulliver's Travels. Not terribly
> > helpful.
> If you're not a coder you don't need to know this, but I try to make
> it simple:
> The difference between little-endian and big-endian processors is how
> they store integer numbers bigger than one byte. If you store a 16 bit
> number you have two options on how to store the two bytes:
> 1. store the lower part first, that's means store the lower part of
> the number at the lower memory address and the higher part at the next
> memory address. This is called little endian.
> 2. the other way around, that's big-endian.
> It's the same for bigger number formats, like 32 or 64 bits.

So little endian is reading the number like japanese or arabic-reading
people, and big endian like 'traditional' western people ??


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