On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 03:49, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Friday 21 March 2003 12:01 am, Jan Ciger wrote:
> > It is a free software, but having ten
> > incompatible versions of XFree or ten versions with ten different fatal
> > bugs is not a nice outlook
> XFree86 and XFreer86?
> As I understand it, the pace (or lack of it) of incorporation of existing 
> patches is the main problem, so a fork would be less likely to contain said 
> fatal bugs, and a mroe responsive X server would result in NVidia submiting 
> more bugs in the first place.
> Also, `ten forks' is not a fair representation. All that's been discussed 
> AFAICT is a single fork. Maybe XFork? XCutlery (forked, and sharper than 
> before? :-)
> If they do fork, I most fervently hope that the fork has a different name, 
> (even if it is only `XLibre' or something like that) to avoid confusion. 
> Dropping the `86' would be good for both original and any fork, since it runs 
> on a lot more than x86 architecture and has done for a very long time.
> Cheers; Leon
<Place tongue in Cheek>

 Dang I always thought that 86 stood for the last time they updated the

</Remove tongue>



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