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On Sunday 23 March 2003 10:25 am, you wrote:
> Brook,
> Could you be so kind as to telling me how to include the contribs to create
> the isos; I did several ones just a week until 9.1 was closed, but I didn't
> need to do anything special.
> I have created a mirror and I use:
> ./MakeCD -t <targed directory> -a /<image directory>
Well you have to have a local mirror of both contribs and cooker. I use 
fmirror and have customized my scripts to leave out things I don't want. Then  
I just  use the attached shell script in the head directory of the mirror. 
This would be the one were you can see the directories of cooker and contrib.

Once you execute the script it will create a tmp directory to work out of and 
an iso directory were your iso's will be. All these directories will be 
created in the head directory were cooker and contribs are at. 

Oh also forgot you may want to change the iso size. I made it so that they are 
slightly smaller than 700mb so to avoid problems with some cdroms/burners.


- -- 
                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Attachment: makecds.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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