On Thursday 27 March 2003 09:21, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> torsdag 27 mars 2003 09:43 fm skrev John Allen:
> > Due to the massive flood of downloaders, many mirrors are now offline, or
> > have reduced the number of simultaneous connections available. Clearly
> > Mandrake is now capable of generating the dreaded Redhat effect.
> Way back Buchan Milne suggested that MandrakeSoft clearified and helped us
> making those iso's ourselves. After one year I'm still clueless about
> mkcd... Many of us allready have the whole cooker repository.

Well here is the script I use to create my own .iso's (it runs mkcd)
You could use it as a starting point.

use like so.
genMandrakeISO --dvd --include-sources --include-max

--9.0 generate a 9.0 iso set (defaults to cooker)
--cd generate 700MB images
--cd650 generate 650MB images
--dvd generate DVD-R sized images
--include-max include binaries, sources, contrib and PLF & Texstar
 (PLF & Texstar goes in /extras)
--include-plf include PLF stuff (/extras)
--include-texstar include Texstar stuff (/extras)
--include-local include lcoally build rpms, and srpms
 (mostly used for NVIDIA drivers, bu will include anything in /usr/src/...)
--include-sources makes sources .iso as well
--burn burn created .iso's and remove them. (creates all .iso first)

You will almost certainly need to modify the following at the top of the 
script; or set in the environment before running.

eg. MIRRORS_ROOT=/share/mirrors FTP=share/ftp genMandrakeISO .....


NOTE: I don't include all PLF, and Texstar just rpms that aren't already 
included in main/contrib.

John Allen,                          Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MandrakeClub Silver Member.

Attachment: genMandrakeISO
Description: application/shellscript

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