It seems that supermount dies on some floppy formats.  In particular,
a 1.68mb (1743kb) floppy with a vfat filesystem generates a filesystem
panic when attempting to ls /mnt/floppy (supermount or not):

Filesystem panic (dev 02:00).
  FAT error
Directory 12: bad FAT

(repeats through Directory 20).  It then presents a scrambled (and
unuseable) directory listing.

Upon attempting to manually umount /mnt/floppy (when using supermount)
for a manual mount, it causes a kernel panic.  The error message is:

FAT: fat_truncate called though fs is read_only, uhh . . .
Kernel Panic: SUPERMOUNT panic (device (0/5): supermount_put_write_access: filesystem 
not write accessed

A manual mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/disk generates the same errors when ls
and upon umount, but no kernel panic.

FWIW, I know that /dev/fd0 is not the correct device for this disk
(should be /dev/fd0u1743), but Joe Gnoob who sticks a DMF format disk
in his machine won't know that (and probably won't have /dev/fd0u1743).

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
      /v\  /     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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     (m_m)       GPG ID: 18F78541
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