Am Freitag, 28. März 2003, 20:29:45 Uhr MET, schrieb John Platts:
> I have rebuilt Mozilla-1.2.1-4mdk from a MandrakeCooker RPM found with a 
> search at I configured it to compile with gcc-3.2 and g++-3.2 
> and it did compile and run smoothly. It worked with the Macromedia Flash 
> Player and the Java Plug-in. Please ensure that the Mandrake 9.1 Mozilla 
> release is compiled with gcc-3.2 and g++-3.2.

The mozilla in Mandrake 9.1 was compiled with gcc 2.96. Which Java
plugin have you tried, SUN's or the blackdown version?
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the
homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of
totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
    Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948), "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

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