On Fri 28 Mar 2003 13:56, Jeremy Salch posted as excerpted below:
> this is a example from kopete.
> On Friday 28 March 2003 10:56 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > Jeremy Salch wrote:
> > > On Friday 28 March 2003 03:13 am, Giuseppe Ghibò wrote:
> > >
> > > I gave that a shot but it achieved the opposite result I was looking
> > > for. The problem is within windows like the message window of kmail and
> > > inside of konqueror, it seems like it is with programs that render
> > > pages.
> > >
> > > the fonts within those windows are huge (at 1600x1200) in comparison
> >
> > to the rest of the
> >
> > > fonts in say the foler list window of kmail  or just the rest of the
> >
> > systems
> >
> > > fonts on the screen.  If I switch to something below 1024x768 the
> >
> > fonts are
> >
> > > smaller in comparison ot the rest of the fonts on the screen.
> >
> > Is it just KDE apps? Or Qt? Are gkt1 or gtk2 apps affected?

I had a similar problem some time ago..  In my case, it was 
gnome-settings-daemon causing issues.  Items and categories of fonts 
initialized before it ran were one size, those initiallized afterwards were 
another.  I could verify this by sig-term-ing things like kdesktop, which 
started b4 GSD, and restarting them.

The problem eventually went away when most of KDE quit responsing to GSD's 
sizing hints (or GSD started behaving and sending them only to Gnome apps, 
don't know which), but my font sizes were still off, until I set the display 
dimensions as already mentioned, in XF86Config.

I doubt it's that program, but it's worth checking, and it could easily be 
some other similar program.  Try comparing what's running, from Top or 
KSysGuard, with which fonts are what size, and see if any correlation becomes 

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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