>>>>> "D" == Danny Tholen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    G> kernel: [drm:i810_wait_ring] *ERROR* space: 65520 wanted 65528

    D> well, the error seems to come from the i810 drm module. What if
    D> you disable dri? What if you disable drm?

Curiously, the "Load 'dri'" line was _missing_ but it did exist in the
config of the other machine (which is being more stable) so I've 
just /added/ it to my own, and added the missing Section "DRI"

Unfortunately, these crashes are about 10-12 hours apart so it takes
about a day to find out if the most recent fix did anything :(

I also notice that the current glibc 2.3 binary at xfree86.org is a
different size from the mandrake release, so if I have another crash,
my next guess will be to swap in the official xfree86 release.

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
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