On Fri, 26 May 2000, Dan M wrote:
> Take a look at what Mac OS X is doing with it's shared libs by using 
> 'bundles' and 'frameworks'.  I think this is a good idea and others might 
> agree.  There is an article about it at:
> http://www.arstechnica.com/reviews/2q00/macos-x-dp4/macos-x-dp4-1.html

I think bundles would be a great idea, but that goes way beyond the scope
of the near future. It is a system design issue and not just an addon. Apple
has had a possibility to start from a clean table and they have modelled the
entire system around the concept of bundles. Could this even be done
in Linux as it is today ? At the very least it would break compatibility with
other distros. 
> I hate to say it, but as our systems get more complex we may need some sort 
> of single point of configuration information, ala windows registry (or 
> something better).

Well it never hurts to have configuration accessible in a clean way, but
this not so much a problem of the files where configuration is stored. Better
tools to access the information is where the most good can be done. 
I like the fact that I can configure the system using a texteditor if need be,
but I'd also like to have good tools to do it "the easy and uneducative" :-)
way when I don't want to be bothered. 

Sebastian Vuorinen 

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