Sent as email here because bugzilla at says server error.

Selecting a link in gnome-terminal (laterst cooker) does one of three things:
[1] pops up an error message saying illegal address. It does this with
    lots of addresses that used to work a day or two ago, e.g. if there
    is no http:// at the start

[2] fetches the resource at the given address and displays it in gedit

[3] makes gnome-terminal crash

If I use the capplet,
[bare foot]->Configuration->GNOME->Advanced->File Types and Programs
and choose Documents->World Wide Web->HTML page, Edit,
and change the Default Action from running links in a terminal (!!) to
Mozilla, or epiphany %s, then I can get gnome-terminal to dump core
all the time.

(by the way, the Extensible Markup Language is spelt wrong in that

It looks like this was introduced by the latest change to vte, but I'm not
sure.  Someone else with a 2.3.x gnome-terminal and up to date vte could
not reproduce this (on debian I think) and it was working for me yesterday.

I'm up to date except for gcc (because I use OpenOfice).



Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
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