I was going to reply to the last openldap message, but decided to start a new thread.

  I am presently building a mail server based on MDK 9.1 with updates
(not cooker environment).

I rebuilt Buchan's openldap 2.1.19 (against the original sasl 2.1.12-1 in MDK 9.1). I have seen that this may be of interest to more than myself, so had thoughts of adding to MandrakeClub.

  But before that happens, I saw where Oden built v2.1.20, and was
wondering where I could get that from (or have the srpm sent to me)?

Would 2.1.19 or 2.1.20 go into the cooker?

  Also, if something is added to MandrakeClub; would it be better/worse
to have the same version as in the cooker (eventhough the build
environment is different)?



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