On Sunday 01 June 2003 01:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > the subject says it all
> >
> > v.
> Vincent, I think in future could we avoid announcements like this on
> cooker? If we were to have an announcement for every new release on this
> list, it could get quite crowded.

True, except the current version in cooker is more than one release old.  If 
indeed the maintainer were getting clobbered by announces, etc, I'm pretty 
sure it would have been updated by now.  Previous posts like this to jog the 
elbow of the maintainer have yielded quick results, hence my post.  

> Note that many maintainers either
> -subscribe to the announce mailing lists for the software they maintain
> -subscribe to freshmeat.net announcements for their software
> If they don't, they at least get spammed by rpmwatcho every 2nd week with
> their packages that are out-of-date (compared to freshmeat.net or Debian
> or Redhat).

Again, if this were the case, why is cooker at gaim-0.62 ?  My post wasn't to 
nag, or to annoy the list.

For those who might be interested, the package at gaim.sourceforge.net works 
for cooker, but there's a bug in the MSN plugin which will cause gaim to 
segfault if the password is incorrect.
> If some piece of software you use often is not updated within 2 weeks of a
> new release (or if it's a critical update and we're near release), mail
> the maintainer first to enquire the status.
> For those interested, samba3-3.0alpha24 doesn't build at present on
> cooker, it seems the quota interface has changed again (there is already
> an inline edit in the samba3 package for 9.1 where it does build, same
> inline edit doesn't work on cooker, but funnily enough samba-2.2.x built
> fine ...)
> Oh, and I will get around to pam_mount sometime ...
> Buchan


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