On 2003-06-08(Sun) 16:47:37 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > You can use
> >
> > %define _enable_debug_packages 0
> >
> > to avoid it for now.
> >
> I don't like making uninformed decisions, which is why I asked the
> question above. But IMHO this is a bug in rpm, they should use a name
> which is guaranteed not to conflict with any other potential subpackages.
> It's been a royal waste of time so far, and I don't see any benefits yet
> ....

Neither do I. Probably because I don't know the intention of creating
those debug info yet. Is this something new from stock rpm 4.2? If so,
I'd guess the name "debug" is chosen because Red Hat don't use this as
package name.



Abel Cheung
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