On 09 Jun 2003 15:01:07 +0100
Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 13:22, Kim Schulz wrote:
> > hi
> > When I try to update my cooker box, then I get these errors. What is
> > it I need to get it to work correctly.
> > Why is it that urpmi doesnt move the correctly downloaded files from
> > pratial/ to rpms/ ? (the first lines of errors)
> First set of errors - you need to import root's GPG keys manually into
> rpm. 

how do I do this? 

> Second set of errors - uninstall Mesa, or add it to skip.list.


Navn  : Kim Schulz      | Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at 
Email : kim @ schulz.dk | the same time as the strawberries, knows
WWW   : www.schulz.dk   | nothing about grapes.   -- Philippus

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