On 2003-06-17(Tue) 15:48:40 +0200, Marcel Pol wrote:
> > Yes, it has just been fixed, bug in rpm fixed in rpm-4.2.1 with backport to
> > original rpm.
> Thanks. I guess this was already covered in another thread. I should probably
> read better.
> It still leaves me with my question about update-alternatives.

Not confirmed, but my bet is: since /usr/bin/abiword is present in 1.0.4 but
not 1.0.6 in %%files, rpm removes the files AFTER update-alternatives is run.
That is, after running postin script in new package, it goes ahead to
remove all non-existant (which it thinks so) files in the old package.

Is it so, fpons?


> --
> Marcel Pol

Abel Cheung
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