"Robert Kulagowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > Note the "would install {null} instead of..." lines.
> > I think it means "the action would be to install, instead of
> > upgrading".
> Just curious, but why is it telling me this in the first place?  I've
> got:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mythtv]$ rpm -qa|grep kernel
> kernel-doc-2.4.21-1mdk
> kernel-2.4.21-0.rc1.1mdk-1-1mdk
> kernel-source-2.4.21-1mdk
> already installed.  Why would I even be offered SMP or any of the
> other kernel variants?
> Another question:  why was this included also?
> "
> would install instead of upgrade package
> kernel-2.4.21-0.rc1.1mdk-1-1mdk.i586

I should change this message, I didn't want to say "installing package ..." in
the same way there is a "skipping package ..."

If anybody has an idea about this, it would be nice, IANAGSEM.


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