On Wed 11 Jun 2003 17:00, David Walser posted as excerpted below:
> > These packages shouldn't have been uploaded at all (I'm not sure if I was
> > the one who uploaded them..).. I'm just cleaning my packages..
> From what I've been hearing on the list, rpm 4.2 generates those packages
> automatically, and putting the following line in your spec file will
> disable it:
> %define debug_package %{nil}
> So I guess if next time you update one of those packages you get that
> -debug subpackage again, that's what you can do.

I'm not an rpm packager (yet), but from what I read, the cause is that rpm is 
now parsing the comments for packages too (or something like that), and 
certain things have to be escaped that were OK before.  IIRC (just catching 
up on the list and don't remember for sure from last week) it was either %% 
or ## needed instead of the single.  Or.. just put the define line in as 

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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