Le Samedi 21 Juin 2003 00:39, Steffen Barszus a écrit :

> 1) synaptic
> -------------
> ( a newer screenshot from debian-3.0 :
> http://linuxinstall.org/screenshots/release-3.0/synaptic.jpg)
> It is for softwaremanagment , includes as far as I can see source managment
> and looks very powerfull to me.

Yes ! This is a good GUI.
It can be improved ;-) Mandrake if better for this :
- mandrake 9.1 allows to create a liste of medias
- mandrake 9.1 allows to select the medias (CD, contribs, updates...)

Synaptic would be better with a forth tab called "How to launch ?"
- from menu (ever include or not)
- from console
- automatic when needed (ie: plug-in)
- daemon
Often newbies ask "How to launch ?".  They ask too "where is the .exe ?"

Pierre Jarillon - http://pjarillon.free.fr/
Vice-président de l'ABUL : http://abul.org/

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