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Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
> Hi Frederic,
> Thanks for putting some of my suggested changes through, can we discus the
> other ones?
> - remove BuildRequires: automake. this one is quite important, since it
> blocks autoconf2.5 from being installed with slbd. It actually is an
> redundant BuildRequires, since it is already Required by rpm-build. Which,
> together with basesystem (and BuildRequires) are the minimum requirement
> for building rpms. See also:
> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuildRequires
> - changing the .so Provides / Requires to .dso (or something else, but not
> ..so). I *urgently* suggest that this is done before the next release.
> this is put into a release, it will need to stay and be maintained. Why
> does this need to change? Well, because at this moment we can't really
> differentiate between .so devel dependencies
> (http://eijk.homelinux.org/~stefan/rpm_devel_dependencies.html) and
> _other_ .so dependencies. The one example I've seen is:
> $ rpm -q --provides libdb3.3-3.3.11-14mdk
> db3 = 3.3.11-14mdk
> libdb-3.3.so
> libdb3.3 = 3.3.11-14mdk
> While libdb3.3-devel (when it is rebuilt) will _also_ provide libdb3.3.so:

But is this a packaging error, or an error with the model?

If this is the only occurence of this, then I think it's a packaging
bug, influenced by the fact that the dbX file names don't follow
standards (were is libdb-3.so.3?).

> $ ~/test06.sh libdb3.3-devel
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb-3.3.so
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb_cxx-3.3.so
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb_tcl-3.3.so
> This screws up the whole model. I had not taken this into account, but now
> that I've come across it, I think we need to change this, _before_ a
> release is made. What I'm proposing is that this is changed to:
> $ ~/test06.sh libdb3.3-devel
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb-3.3.dso
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb_cxx-3.3.dso
> libdb3.3-devel Provides: libdb_tcl-3.3.dso

I don't agree with providing something that looks like a filename, when
it is not a filename, it will just confuse people. I would propose for


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