On Thursday 26 June 2003 17:56, Buchan Milne wrote:
> This can be done with rsync in backup mode with hard links. I haven't
> tried it yet though.
This should be done in the filesystem. A rm shouldn't remove the file but move 
it to the backup dir

> Remember, binary files (ie word docs) don't make nice diffs (usually
> bigger than the file itself). If you have something that makes nice
> diffs (OpenOffice.org xml), why have the filesystem do it when better
> tools are available (ie CVS). If you don't have something that makes
> nice diffs, you had better have lots of disk available.
OO xml is zipped so i don't know if that still makes good diffs. And docs have 
the diff's internally IIRC
> What's wrong with good old backups?? (amanda for instance).
It is not a backup problem

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