On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 14:16, FACORAT Fabrice wrote:

> True.
> On top of that we can think a little bit about rpmdrake and linux
> system. With linux user can't easily install an app if the app is :
>  1°/ a package that requires others libs

? That's exactly what rpmdrake is for.

>  2°/ not a rpm provide by mdk ( as others rpms may not work well because
> of provides/requires/etc ... pb )

This is not something we should "fix". Instead, users need to understand
why it is not in fact a problem.

> What about a foreign/not mdk package ? ... urpmi/gurpmi. Why ? because :

No. Making it easier to install non-mdk packages is simply making it
easier to screw up the system, so make it as hard as possible.

> 1°/ It will try to install this package and the required dependencies if
> possible. If it failed ... sorry it's linux, not windows.

dependencies are not a sufficient safeguard for foreign packages,
because of such things as overly fuzzy dependencies (say a Red Hat
package just says it needs libxyz, because there's only one version of
libxyz in Red Hat, so it installs happily on Mandrake, where there's a
completely different version of libxyz, then crashes on run).

> 2°/ it simple

No. See above.

> We try to imitate windows but it's impossible with linux.
> On windows you have a file that normally have all that it need inside it
> ( dll or static ) and put them in his directory or use standard windows
> lib. If you miss something ( seldom ), just grab the right file, most of
> the time it's just the new DirectX.
> The nightmare with windows was the fact that some apps override some
> windows systems dll and of course the registry ( what a mess ). But
> besides that install an app was easy. Want a game ? put the CD,
> setup.exe and during install process if it need new directX it provide
> it for u or u can simply install it.
> On linux ? take the rpm/sh. arf need libGL.x.y-z and your sys have
> libGL.x.t-u and several libs depends on it. upgrade ? sometimes some
> apps requires specific version of a lib -> no way. The solution ? the
> game should provide everything, put this in his own directory or in
> /usr/local or in /opt . Linux libs change quickly and often break
> compatibility somewhere ( API, ABI for C++, behaviour) because most of
> them are not mature yet.

You're simply talking about static compilation, which is exactly what
commercially distributed, closed-source games for Linux do. It's really
far less of a problem than it's made out to be. Quake 3 works perfectly
well on Linux, for instance - it just has all the stuff it needs
statically compiled into it, you drop a copy on any remotely modern
distribution with sufficient hardware and it will run perfectly.

> To sum up it's more freedom and openess ( Opensource, free software, ...
> ) for less freedom ( use only what your distro provide you if you're a
> newbies or else you will have to dig inside things more complicated )

Which is correct for now. Until it's less dangerous to install non-mdk
packages, we should not make it easier to do so. Of course, it would be
very nice to work towards *making* it less dangerous, but get the two in
the right order. :)

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