Michael Scherer wrote:

On Saturday 28 June 2003 09:39, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

Q: Ever considered putting the Mandrake RPM Howto (and other policy
documents) on the wiki?

In http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/PackagingTask there
is a section where "policy updates" are being collected. Why not add
/ merge those into the policy right away, with a special comment
added to the change.

what do you think?

Good idea. But, if the policy will grow bigger and bigger, we should think before witing, abot the organisation.

That's also why I asked. I can imagine that some form of controll is needed.

The nice thing about a wiki is that every change is stored. So, if something goes wrong (somebody makes an unwanted addition or change, or something is deleted) we can always go back to the previous version.

I hope that by putting it on the wiki the document will get updated regularly, and that new idea's and area's of attention (web package policy) will find it's way into the document.

But, a balance is needed. I wouldn't like it to evolve into yet annother law book (big, bureaucratic). From time to time somebody will find that things need some trimming...



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